Hi, I’m Kerry,

I Help People Keep And Restore Cognitive Function Lost From Alzheimer's
I also specialize in family dementia coaching with real answers to hard questions

Hi, I’m Kerry,

I Help People Keep And Restore Cognitive Function Lost From Alzheimer's
I also specialize in family dementia coaching with real answers to hard questions

The Medical System Has Little To No HOPE When It Comes To Cognitive Decline

  • Have you watched a loved one suffer from dementia and vowed that your future would be different?
  • Has traditional medicine told you it’s all downhill from here, and there’s nothing you can do?
  • Are you looking for more time with your loved one, knowing there must be a way to slow the decline?
  • Is there a nagging feeling inside you, telling you there’s more in store for you than just being a caregiver?
  • Does it feel like you’ve been hung out to dry by the medical system, but you know in your heart that quality of life is worth fighting for?

What if There Was Actually Something You Could Do? THERE IS!

Whether you want to keep dementia at bay or you're caring for a loved one who has already experienced cognitive decline

You're In The Right Place!

We Help Our Clients With:

Take the Guesswork Out Of Prevention & Treatment Of Cognitive Decline

Establish A Baseline

Get access to the full baseline of labs that have been identified to impact brain health.

Risk Factors & Root Causes

Lab results give you answers, show you where you're at risk for suboptimal brain health, and show us what to do to fix them.

A Guide & A Plan 

I'll take the guesswork out of what to do next, guide you on how to do it, and motivate you to get it done. Armed with the right information, you can determine a plan of action. Small steps over time lead to big changes!

A Note From Kerry

  • I am a lover of people – that means you.
  • I believe life can be awesome – even with Alzheimer’s and I want to show you how.
  • I love efficacy and success and I want you to feel that way about taking on this disease.
  • Of all the resources in the world, I value TIME the most. Therefore, I don’t want to waste any TIME achieving your desired success.
  • I am a detective at heart, which means I see a challenge as a good thing. Is it any wonder that I want to help you take on Alzheimer’s disease?

If you are ready to embrace this disease, in the most productive and realistic manner, let me be your guide to this goal.

I Have Walked This Disease With Thousands Of Folks & Their Families.
  • I have watched people embrace it with grace
  • I have watched people stop their progression
  • I have witnessed people regain skills
  • and most of all...
  • I have watched people achieve home in this disease!

I want you to be one of these people!
~ Kerry


Do you have a family history of Alzheimer’s or simply want to stay sharp naturally? Find your personal risk factors and learn what you can do to keep Alzheimer's at bay. 

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Cognitive Decline

Are you starting to show signs and symptoms...

Is your spouse or loved one in your corner?

Do you want to slow or stop the progression?

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Family Care

Diagnosis or no Diagnosis

...you know there's a problem!

You want answers and coaching that works

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Kerry Mills Rutland, MPA, is a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) with nearly 20 years of experience in dementia care. A specialist in the Bredesen Protocol, she focuses on preventing and reversing cognitive decline through personalized care.

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