Does This Sound Like You?
In the midst of grief, sadness and confusion, as your responsibilities seem to be mounting by the day, you become overwhelmed. Moving ahead feels less and less achievable. Let me be the light at the end of your tunnel or the beacon of light flashing; both lights, reminding you there is an end and someone is here to help you.
As you watch your mom decline in her dementia, forgetting more and more, you lay awake at night, wondering, when will she forget you? And when she does, is that the right time to move her from her home and be less involved with her daily care? This feels selfish and sad, so I am left feeling guilty. Can I flip this upside down and ask, “what if your mom never forgets you?” Let me help you work through today’s concerns so you don’t fret about realities that may never be yours. Let’s work together to maximize today for your mom AND for you so you continue to live and dare I say thrive, as you walk through this illness.
❀ “My husband getting Alzheimer’s turned out to be the best years of our marriage.”
❀ “My quality of life averages an 8/10 as I continue to love my wife through this phase of our lives.”
❀ “My relationship with my mom was never more genuine and I never had the love for her in my whole life like I did while she had dementia.”
These Are Real Statements From Clients & This Is The Tip Of The Iceberg.
Dementia takes a lot from a person, but when our perspective is on loss, we miss what we are gaining. The person with dementia becomes ever present. This means they can’t remember you getting annoyed yesterday and they aren’t worried about their cataract surgery tomorrow. You might be upset about both, but you can equally forgive quickly from yesterday's spat and let tomorrow’s trouble be dealt with tomorrow.
In my experience, people with dementia are present, observant, desire to be helpful and useful, love more easily, and my favorite and genuine. Look to your loved one, can you see these traits emerging? Let me show you how to embrace them and allow yourself to be changed in this illness for the best instead of your most rundown, resentful self. The choice is yours.
Schedule your family coaching one-on-one session today to share your story to someone who listens and “gets” it, then start getting answers that will leave you with peace of mind and actionable steps, taking the stifling guesswork out of how to love AND care for someone with dementia!

Discover the Programs That Will Transform Your Brain Health
Family Coaching 1:1
Translate generic information into actionable steps for the needs of your loved one and your family
- Every family is different and every set of solutions needs to be tailored to your situation to save you time and frustration.
- Quickly understand your options so you can spend your efforts on drilling down to a game plan that will give you peace of mind and provide the best quality of life for your loved one.
- Don’t spend time DIY’ing, self guessing or being frustrated when answers are literally a phone call away.
- Education is power. Power not to feel helpless. Power not to feel confused. Power not to be frustrated. This illness can be sad coupled with a lot of work. Don’t let it take more from you.
This disease doesn’t discriminate against who it affects. Fortunately, you hold the power to determine if it can rob your quality of life, your relationship, and your own sense of control.
Family Coaching is a fee-for-service.
The first call is an hour by zoom (or phone). Thereafter, we can communicate by phone, email, dm or zoom. Some of these sessions are booked, others are billed after the service.
People consult with us for a host of reasons, some include:
- Writing a job description for a caregiver
- Interviewing a caregiver
- Researching and narrowing down care options in their area
- Talking through the value of getting a formal diagnosis when their loved one is resistant.
- Determining how to make the dollar last longer and go further
- Strategizing how to manage new behaviors from getting lost (driving or on foot), to acting out (in public and/or with caregiver), when travel is too much, how to prevent falls, how to create a care team and more.
Engaging Alzheimer’s Membership
Answers, Resources & Encouragement
❀ This venue is a place for people to come for answers, accessible tried and true resources, and stories of encouragement.
❀ We will meet monthly LIVE through zoom where you can submit your questions and get answers. Between LIVES, you will have access to short videos so you are never waiting on my schedule. These short videos model behavior, give you guidance and will let you walk away with tidbits to try and mold to make your life and your caregiving more rewarding.
❀ Finally, the group chat is available for you to connect with other people in the same boat you are in! Their encouragement from the trenches and timely “keep goings” will give you the hope to keep moving forward.
❀ The bonus is an open invitation to send footage from nanny cams and your recordings for me to assess during the LIVES or to use in the videos.
$27/mo USD
No contract, cancel anytime.
Join The Waitlist NowFrequently Asked Questions
There are answers galore on the internet, not to mention so many books out there, why should I consult with you?
Is there someone in my area that can do what you do?
While I appreciate that you are very positive about all this, my experience hasn’t been that way, so would you say we won’t be the right fit?
I have a limited budget and I am afraid to spend my money on something that isn’t tangible. Have others had that concern?
Does my loved one join the zoom?
If you meet my loved one, do you tell them you are a dementia coach? That would really upset him or her.
Kerry Mills (NBC-HWC) - Age Well Simply